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Season 3 covered many AI topics related to the Enterprise. I personally really enjoyed the variety of the podcasts during the season. We had guests covering AI accelerators such as Cerebras and Habana Labs to name a few.

Bias In AI was a recurring topic and needs to be further addressed. It includes looking at where the data is coming from, the algorithms used to build the models, the marketing behind the applications and religious aspects and impacts.

We also had quite a few guests providing us updates on the methodologies used in AI. MLOps, DataOPS, DevOps, and ShadowAI are the ones that stuck with me. Additionally, they were great conversations about the creativity in AI and why there is a need for benchmarking in AI.

We also reviewed and answered some of the questions that were asked by the guests on the podcast.

In this episode, Stephen Foskett and Frederic Van Haren managed to complete the podcast without the help of a guest.

Join us in the podcast and hear about the recap of Season 3.

A link to this podcast “Utilizing AI” episode can be found here, or click on the video below.

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